Participants are charged a fee for each day, night and meal at the centre. The daily operations charge applies for full or part days and includes the use of Maroon Outdoor Education Centre facilities. There is no charge for accompanying school staff. Fees include GST on all items (except for Education Queensland (EQ) schools and units, which are no longer charged GST).
Fees and Charges 2025 (PDF, 168KB)
Additional available services
School support and consultancy services
Costs will vary according to the types of support or consultancy required. Some support and advisory services are free. The cost of a detailed consultancy will include reimbursement for Centre staff time at the current teacher relief scheme rate, travel, accommodation expenses for Centre staff and operational charges where applicable.
Resource support
The cost of resource support may vary from a free service to rental charges covering upkeep and maintenance of equipment and facilities. Where staff support is required, travel costs and/or teacher relief payment, may be charged. This will be negotiated with the Maroon Outdoor Education Centre administration.
Professional Development Programs
Programs may incur a combination of the following charges: travel and accommodation expenses for Centre staff, reimbursement for Centre staff time at the current teacher relief scheme rate ($525 per day for a minimum of 6 participants) and meal charges if applicable, an operational charge of $20 and any other expenses in the support of the program. Final costing is based on the specifics of the program, and is negotiated between the user group and the Principal of Maroon Outdoor Education Centre.
Goods and services tax
Upon completion of each non-EQ program an appropriate tax invoice will be prepared by Maroon Outdoor Education Centre with all items listed for client reference (GST calculations per item will be clearly identified).