


Why do we think it is important to engage in challenges?

  1. To deepen connections with family and friends

  2. We use our bodies as tools and instruments, our minds to problem solve and our hearts to explore our creativity

  3. They help us to grow. Knowing what we're good at and what we want to get better at can be a positive place to start a tricky activity 

  4. Most importantly they can be SUPER FUN!



I forgot?!?

I don't know about you but my memory could be better, hmm what was it I was going to say? Oh, that's right! Here is an easy memory challenge to play as a family...

  1. Get someone who isn't doing the challenge hide a range of different household items (10-20) eg button, cutlery, plate, bowl, brush etc. This could be under a blanket, box or maybe in a separate room
  2. Items are then shown for around 90 seconds and then hidden again
  3. All players have 2 minutes to write down or draw as many items as they can remember
  4. The player with the most correct items wins


What to improve your score? These 7 tricks may help


No thumb challenge

How fast can you do the following whilst your thumbs are taped???hands.jpg

  • Peel a banana
  • Send a text
  • Blow up and tie a balloon
  • Write your name
  • Open a bottle of water


Work out this cup pattern

Viral dance

Nearly 100 years ago people around the world were challenging each other with their best 'Charleston' dance moves; similar in style but a few years on it was the 'Shuffle' and people are still trying master it! Take a break from the many TikToK challenges and try one of the originals...

Click here for the best 'Shuffle' tutorial we could find!


Roll with it yoga

dice-yoga.jpgYoga is a great all-round activity to stretch, strengthen, calm and relax.

For this challenge all you need to do is roll a dice and follow these easy instructions (PDF, 339KB)...

Challenge yourself and others to hold each pose for at least 1 minute.

Are you good enough to do 30min of random poses?  


7 second challenge

How many of these challenges can you do within 7 seconds?

  • Apply lip gloss/chapstick without using your hands
  • Clap right palm on your left thigh and your left palm on your right leg simultaneously 10 times
  • Counting 1-10 in a second language
  • Do 10 pushups
  • Draw a picture of a pet
  • Hop to the door and back whilst pulling both ears
  • Grab a bean with chopsticks
  • Lick the tip of your elbow
  • Name the colour of your socks without looking at them
  • Place your foot over your head
  • Touch your nose with your tongue


Matchstick puzzle

More great puzzles... These puzzles are designed around moving matchsticks but you could easily use sticks, pens, crayons or cutlery instead! Here's an easy one to get you started, can you make the fish swim in a different direction by only moving two matchsticks?


Here is some more for you to try (DOCX, 82KB)

2min Bar hang

Shoe tower

How high can you build a tower made out of shoes before it topples over?

  • Use a range of different shoes, styles don't matter: sneakers, sandals, thongs, boots etc. Have fun raiding the house! 

  • If you have 2 or more people attempting the challenge, divide the shoes into two even piles – a left and a right shoe pile 

  • Maybe set a time limit (5-10min) to build the tower



Like puzzles? Tangrams can be done by yourself or with a partner... Hours of fun can be found in this handy document (DOCX, 305KB) 

Old school challenge!

Can you traverse a table?

You start on the top of the table and work your way underneath the table and then back on top, without touching the ground. Having a sturdy table, being aware of the surface underneath and getting someone else to hold the table keeps things safe! 



How many things can you keep up in the air at the same time 1, 2, 3 maybe 4? For how long? What sort of objects?

Need a helpful video to get you started? Here's one of the best

Hacky sack

Hacky sack is fun to practice alone or to play with friends. The aim of the game is  to keep the sack off the ground for as long as possible. Hacky sacks are a great way to kill time, have fun, and increase your balance, agility and foot control skills. Current solo record stands at 63 326 kicks!

Great 'how to' video can be found here 

Learn how to make a Hacky sack (DOCX, 215KB)

Last reviewed 08 September 2022
Last updated 20 May 2020