Students attending Maroon Outdoor Education Centre have the privilege to camp in some of the most beautiful places in South East Queensland. These learning environments help create lasting and meaningful connections to self, others and country. Much of this value is inherent in the isolation of these places but they also provide unique opportunities for students to learn:
Teamwork, resilience and leadership capabilities
sustainable practices
Indigenous perspectives
to take individual responsibility for personal and group safety
camping skills, including cooking
about local flora and fauna.
Campout options
Depending on program outcomes, time of year booked, age of students, number of students and length of the program, various campout options are available:
Students carry all of their own gear and camp at different campsites. The journey between the campsites will be either on foot or canoe and the route may include going over, round or through, mountains, rivers, and untracked bush.
Base camp
Students campout offsite for 1 or 2 nights at the same campsite. Depending on the location of the campsite the difficulty of the bushwalking nearby can vary.
This option is mainly for primary school aged students. Campout is at a location near or within the MOEC grounds. Students carry their own equipment or can be supported with onsite transport.
Sleep out
Sleeping in tents near or within MOEC grounds only, no cooking.
Exclusive campsites
As well as access to various campgrounds within Mt Barney National Park and surrounds we have a variety of exclusive campsites, including...
Deep within the Burnett Creek Valley this private campsite was home to a sawmill from the early 1900's to 1976. The concrete slab and tracks seen in the lower left corner of the picture below are remnants of the mill. Although a little cold in winter, this lovely campsite by the creek offers a range of spectacular expedition and base camp options through the bordering National Park and farmland.

Named after the Ugarapul word for 'Witchetty Grub' this exclusive campsite is located at the furthest end of the dam from the Centre, accessed typically by canoe when the dam is full. A good range of facilities and activities await the students at the site and can be used as part of an expedition or a base camp.

Found high on the ridges in between Mt May and Mt Barney, this campsite is an amazing private retreat from which to explore the surrounding National Park. Beautiful Iron Barks 'Undulla', cleared tent sites, composting toilet and a small shelter can be found here.